Thursday, September 20, 2012

Cedric the Bee Whisperer

Don't move, Cedric!  Bee!!!

I had a run-in with a bee this weekend. But, unlike Cedric, I wasn't able to tame it. Before Sunday, I hadn't been stung by a bee since grade school, and I don't remember having such a strong reaction. 

He got me on the left side of my right knee, and the next morning, it had swollen to a firm, red patch the size of my palm. I took a few pictures as evidence, but all of them portrayed my leg in a not so pleasing way. You'll just have to take my word for it. 

The swelling/pain has gone down for the most part, but it still itches. Cedric promises to show me his bee-calming ways.

Other than that, things are speeding right along. I'm already in my fourth week of classes, and Joe starts his next week.

What else is happening in ol' Spokane? It's very gray here, as fires from the middle of the state have been sharing their smoke.

I'm still working hard for Sundog Lit. We're hoping our first issue will be out October 1st, so I've been working on a cover and planning the web layout.

Joe's still working hard at the bookstore. They recently took his photo for the website, and he thought it would be funny to be holding one of the strange books he came across the other day.

Oh, and it's still warm here. I know from last year that fall comes later here than it does in Michigan, but it still feels weird that it's going to be 91 tomorrow. I'm ready for socks, and sweaters, and chili!

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