Friday, May 25, 2012

Which Way to Michigan?

This week I have been enjoying a last-minute trip to Michigan.

My niece was graduating high school, and I couldn't stand the idea of missing it. So last Monday, I left Spokane for a week in Saugatuck.

I didn't tell any of my family I was coming, and I enjoyed surprising them one by one.

Monday night, my friend Tanya picked me up in Chicago. At 2:30 a.m. I knocked on my mother's door. And, after about fifteen minutes of her looking through the blinds and yelling "who is it," she finally opened it.

After we chatted for a while, she said she was afraid to go to sleep because it might be a dream.

The next day, Breanna, the graduate, had the best reaction: instant tears. 

My sister was mostly confused:

"What is happening"

Grandma stayed calm and collected as always:

I didn't get any other shots of the surprises, but it was great to pop in on everyone and watch it take a few seconds for them to realize who exactly they were looking at.

I've been loving my time here--and how green everything is! I've got lots of pictures to share, but now I've got to go to bed so I can enjoy my last day in Michigan tomorrow. 

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