Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Destruction and Dinner

Moment of Destruction #1
Last week our giant clock fell off the wall. Randomly. I was working at my computer and watched as our 2 1/2 foot clock slid from its spot, crashed into a glass vase of bamboo, and landed perfectly upright on a small table below.

Somehow, it survived! And, even though the bamboo shot clear across the room, it seems relatively undisturbed since its accident. Here's a picture of both, with the clock sitting right where it landed.

The bamboo is keeping its distance now.

And Cedric is watching over it carefully.

When I gave the wall a closer inspection, I realized the drywall toggle screw that was holding up our clock never expanded inside the wall. For some reason, though, it decided to wait five months before slipping out. Yesterday I bought a fancy drywall hanger that is supposed to be good up to 200 pounds. I'm still nervous.

Moment of Destruction #2
Last night as I was working on a craft, my ancient (and cheap) (and disturbingly hot) hot glue gun was sitting by my side. When a loud pop scared me from my seat, Joe and I turned to see my glue gun emitting a thick black smoke.

Rest in peace, hot glue gun. Also, thanks for not blowing up in my hand.

Dinner #1
Joe made chicken scallopini last night.  This involves a lot of excellent ingredients: capers, sun-dried tomatoes, kalamata olives, white wine!


Dinner #2
Tonight was sweet potato and chickpea curry.  I used a recipe from the blog Spicy Chilly. Instead of tomatoes though, I substituted half a can of chickpeas and one large sweet potato. Find her delicious recipe here. I'm excited to try her version soon (when I'm not craving sweet potatoes).

I need to work out the lighting situation in my kitchen. This colorful curry is too pretty to look all shadowy and practically one color.

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